Saved Searches

Saved searches is a great way for agents to see what properties have been published by other agents, so that if they see a suitable property for their buyer, they can contact the listing agent to collaborate and work together to sell the property.

Also, when properties within the search criteria are added, they will be emailed to the registered agency/agent email within 24 hours.

To save a search on the website, select your search critieria e.g. # of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, property type and the area, then click the “Search” button, as highlighted below. 

Once the search results are listed, click the “Save Search” button.


Save Search Front End


You can view all of your saved searches in your CRM area, by clicking on the “Saved Searches” link on the left menu.

From this screen you can click the “Actions” dropdown button and either “View” the search on the website or “Delete” the search if you no longer require it.

Saved Searches CRM

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