My Profile

As an Agency and an Agent, you will have a profile page where visitors can view useful information about you and your company.

When you are logged in to the CRM, click on “My Profile” on the left menu.

You can add/edit the following information:

  • Add/Update your logo – click on the “Update Profile Picture” button. Upload your logo. Image size of 300x300px is recommended in .jpg or .png format.
  • Email
  • Public Name – this is the name of your estate agency or your name if you are a sole agent. This is the name that will appear on your public profile page.
  • Agency Name – leave blank.
  • Title/Position (only for Agents) – your job title.
  • License – your API registration number (if applicable).
  • Tax Number – your NIF/CIF.
  • Mobile – your mobile number.
  • WhatsApp – your WhatsApp number. If it is the same as your Mobile, then just add your mobile number here.
  • Phone – your office/work phone number.
  • Language – add any languages you and any agents in your office speak.
  • Address – your office address.
  • Service Areas – any areas that you offer your customers e.g. Residential Sales, Long Term Rentals, Commercial Sales etc.
  • Specialities – you can add extra information here if you wish.
  • About Agency (only for Agencies) – add information about your agency.
  • About Me (only for Agents) – add some information about your experience and what you do.
  • Social Media – add any social media links that you have, so that visitors can go there and see more information.
  • Change Password – add a new password and click on “Update Password” to make the changes.

Once you have made any changes to this section, you must click on the “Update Profile” button, so the changes are confirmed.

My Profile Page

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